Lighting up your carvings

A - Clown with lit up eyes

Now folks, this may  or may not be of interest to all of you but some of you will have seen my clown walking stick with the eyes that light up. (See picture. A).

 I have now made a bowl that has a LED strip that lights as well (See picture B).

A - Clown with lit up eyes
A - Clown with lit up eyes

The strip light is not cheap but when you have created a masterpiece, the extra cost is no object—not that my wife would necessarily agree (“Not another  one to dust!.” I hear her mutter!).

The cost of all the parts, which are sold by Maplins, are shown in the parts list below.

As to wiring, some may say I haven’t got a clue!

Parts Lists for Clown & Bowl

The eyes of the Clown

  • 5 mm HB LED [two] (Part No.CK39) – £0.39
  • Resistor [one] (Part No M28R) – £0.16
  • Square push switch blk (Part No.JB01) – £0.89
  • N batt box for batteries [one] – (Part No JB84) – £0.49

The last items needed are batteries, you need five of the watch type and it is cheaper to buy a mini LED torch (Part No.A29HW for £1.99 than to buy them separately.

B - Strip lit bowl
B - Strip lit bowl

The Strip light for the Bowl

  • Transformer [one] – (Part No. MG81C) – £10.99
  • Socket [one] – (Part No. JK12N) – £1.69
  • 50mm LED Strip [one] (Part No. N91CX) – £1.26

(I think the transformer  will run up to a metre of lights—you will need to check with Maplins)

Ron Feltham


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