An interesting tip was given to us by Peter about the possible productive use of those offcuts that we are all reluctant to get rid of. The idea was prompted by him sorting out some scrap and studying their shapes and what might be produced from them.. Some of the resulting carv-ings are show in the picture
Of course, Peter has loads of scrap as a result of producing large numbers of blanks for the classes he runs, but what a good idea! So get scrap-gazing, you never know what masterpiece you might produce! These are some of the “fantasy” carv-ings that Peter Benson brought along in December to show how old offcuts could be recycled and re-formed into some-thing amusing or intriguing.
It is possible to work out the shape of the original offcut. If anyone is inspired to have a go with one of their pieces of waste wood, do please bring the fin-ished article in to Wormshill one day and show it off.