Members Attending: Glen Martin, Sue Ford, Phil Deacon, Mary Hansford, Pat Sproule, Dennis Smyth, Mike Cavender, John Little, Frank Mace, David Howard, Dick Baugh, Rosie Bairstow, Chris Rose, Paul Reed and Isaac Reed
Apologies: Ray Dean, Mike Jones, Graham Dolman and Les Cook
- Chairman’s Introduction and Report: Glen opened the meeting with a brief introduction on his pathway into the then British Woodcarving Association, its folding and the subsequent joining of the Wormshill and Hamlet Wood Groups forming The Kent Woodcarvers. Glen advised the meeting that there were no changes to the Kent Woodcarvers Constitution. He offered the apologies of those unable to attend and advised the meeting that Ray Dean had asked Glen to vote in proxy for him.
- Treasurer’s Report: Phil had handed out a breakdown of our finances for the last year. Currently we are running at a loss … from the transfer of funds from the BWA. Much of this is due to start-up costs; membership cards, medical supplies, Hamlet Wood Sharpening Machine and club clothing and badges. The membership fees cover the insurance.
- Election of Officers: Mike proposed that if the committee members were agreeable to stand for the following year they could be voted in en-block. The four members indicated they would stand again, Rosie seconded this and the motion was accepted by the members present.
- Membership/meeting costs: There has been a decline in numbers attending Hamlet Wood leaving a shortfall in covering the cost of hiring the hall. There was discussion on ways to deal with this shortfall. Option 3 increasing the Hamlet Wood fees from £5 to £8 but offer a discounted rate of £60 for a block of 10 sessions was unpopular with many members. Other suggestions were i) to absorb the shortfall from funds for the next year or two years or ii) absorb the shortfall and set a figure at which to review the situation should our bank balance fall below it.
Sue suggested reverting to the previous set up of having Hamlet Wood meetings during term time only which might help reduce our losses. She said it maybe that with the easing of Covid the Scouts will use the hall more often. Sue said she will talk to Amanda about this. Pat said that not having meetings at Hamlet Wood during the Summer Break could dampen the momentum of potential members who have shown interest at the County Show. He suggested it would be good to have at least a couple of sessions over the summer.
A vote was taken on whether to reduce the number of Hamlet Wood meetings to term time only – 4 voted in favour, 5 against so motion carried to continue Hamlet Wood meeting during the Summer break. A further vote was taken on whether to keep the Hamlet Wood costs the same for the next year – the vote was overwhelmingly in favour
- Shows: Recently we demonstrated at the West Kent Show in Tonbridge. Axminster Tools did not get back to us about demonstrating there in May. Kent County Show is 8th, 9th and 10th July; Phil collected names of members prepared to help set up our stand on the evening of 7th and those who could work our stall over the three days of the show. Woodfest at Belmont is 10th and 11th September. Our insurance covers us for six shows a year. There was a brief discussion on shows and our need to expand our range we attend. Mary asked that members continue to look for and suggest potential shows.
Glen then closed the meeting