Kent Woodcarvers AGM 2022

The first AGM of Kent Woodcarvers will take place at Wormshill Village Hall on Sunday 19th June 2022 at 11.00am. Please find attached a copy of the agenda and a discussion document for your consideration. If you wish to raise an issue not already included on the agenda please email me including a brief discussion document by 31st May.

It would be great so see as many of you as possible. However, if you are unable to attend you may appoint another member to vote as your proxy by notifying any member of the committee of your choice.

Should you wish to stand for election to one of the committee posts you will need to find two other members to act as your proposer and seconder.

I look forward to seeing you on the 19th.

Stay safe


AGM Agenda

Wormshill Village Hall, Sunday 19th June 11.00am

  1. Chairman’s introduction and report   
  2. Treasurer’s report
  3. Election of officers
  4. Membership/meeting costs
  5. Shows
  6. AOB