December 2021 Newsletter

Hello Carvers and Whittlers,

I hope you are all keeping well and looking after yourselves and keeping those gouges and knives sharp.

Well, we have weathered the storm at both venues and Wormshill has got some new members, great news. To boost numbers Rosie has printed some posters and she has left some  at various places. If you can think of a notice board in your area please let us know and we will send you one to advertise our club. I have tried with the ‘Net’ but so far, no luck. 

We have our web page  (we  are always looking for pictures of your work) and we have had some response from that. I set up a Facebook page mainly pointing people to our web page, both are found by searching Kent Woodcarvers.

We are having a little ‘party’ at Hamlet Wood on 16th December as it will our last day for the year. All are welcome from 9.00am to 15.30pm. There will be no meeting at Wormshill in December.

Important dates to remember are:

Hamlet Wood – Last day 16th December – re-opening on 6th January 2022

Wormshill – Re-opening on the 3rd Sunday in January 2022 (exact date to be confirmed).

Thank you for your support this year and let us hope next year we will be able to continue. 

Keep safe and have a lovely Christmas. 
